With the blurred 2 a.m. Whatsapp texts
The ticks that turn a blurry blue,
With the heaving breath of distress
Yeah, ‘twas a situation
You least expect to undo.
Balance is a dangerous word,
Bending steadiness down the knee.
Blurry images, a dimly lit room,
What else did it need?
‘Heavy’ was the word of the hour
As Chester smiled all the way up.
A heavy breath, a choking throat
Well, no way the heart could miss.
You tend to live on lessons more than a lifetime
You feel ENOUGH!
Yet experiences fail, your heart skips a beat,
You bat your dried up eyelids in search of emotions.
After all, the easiest thing
To deal with, is your heart.
‘Expectations’, ‘Reliability’, ‘Faith’
Such dimensionless variables for a change.
‘Distance’, ‘Virtual Reality’
Well not just terms in those lifeless pages
You flip rampantly in search of answers,
To questions hanging in the air,
Across miles. Between souls.
The passing night holds that one precious drop
At the edges of your eyelashes,
After all, it’s you, who’ve turned faking
From an act of humour to a full-blown HABIT!
An art nurtured with much care and concentration!
The morning has millions to unfold.
The day has yet more to give.
The dimly lit room, the blurry eyes
The heavy heart and all that baggage you carry…
Makes you sink deeper into the night.
Until… Until you shut your feelings, turn off your data
Until you suck up the present and decide to face it!
Until you defy the dark night and switch on the lights
And realise…
You realise that it’s too late to UNDO the situation.
You feel numb down your waist.
You decide to give up and crash
With a condition to face the reality if you wake up,
Or else no.
Yeah you quit!
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