
Showing posts with the label Beginnings... :)

Do You Believe in Magic?

  While we are consciously trying to tie up the loose ends of our otherwise unruly and somewhat bittersweet adulting lives, there are times when you suddenly come across someone who waves at you from the balcony above while you are hustling to accomplish goals and at that fleeting moment, time stops! Under every other circumstance, you would have waved back and walked off briskly. But then there are times that the impenetrable aura of a person makes him pursuable. You cannot help but get consumed in the moment to unravel the mystery behind the charming eyes or the occasional smirk that has left you intrigued the myriad of times in the past. Probably you have hardly noticed his existence in the past few months. Probably you have just felt his presence but have failed to acknowledge his being altogether. And then you speculate and put together the pieces of the aenigma together. To think about it, there actually has been multiple occasions that your eyes have searched for him in the ...


#KLF And the aroma of the newly turned pages still intoxicates me… It’s one of those times of the year that probably every rooted Kolkatan awaits. The 15 days long tour of the aroma of the new books, of the suspended dust in the air that is left back by the footsteps of every soul who’ve been frequenting the stalls, the lip-smacking food stuffs overhang the air that calls only for some newly made ‘ nostalgia ’. The International Kolkata Book Fair , or as it trends in Twitter, The Kolkata Literature Festival , #KLF , has it all! The essence of the knowledge and creativity showcased here throughout this fortnight is enriched by the personalities every book lover gets an exposure to.   Today, a couple of days after the end of  the 40 th IKBF, after celebrating the magic of literature and varied linguistic touches, it makes me nostalgic of my former years of visit to this extravagant ethnicity. Though not quite a vivid memory that strays back, but I remember how t...

Sharp Bends...

Though I was quite determined that I’ll try and post only positive stuff, as a start! However, every day that a human being spends on this Earth is actually a surprise. But one thing that is constant, at least something that I found was that, when very good days come, and you start believing that things are falling into place, you should be ready to handle the extremely difficult times that are in the line up! Probably that is just the way of life! But still we tend to live, hope and live on for the new Sunrise the next morning, again hoping that everything will fall back into place. But at times your whole existence is put to question after you come across a painful truth. Your axis seems to reset at a new angle and the Earth seems to rotate at a different speed! After the weird bewilderment that hung in the air at the end of the first semester, the winter vacations seemed to be a breath of fresh air to the incessant cacophony of a completely new set of languages, and a comp...

To New Beginnings....

The only woman in the highest best selling leagues - Preeti Shenoy. T hough I started a couple of years back... yet it seems like a new beginning! So, I'd call myself a blogger from today! And it was this 'pretty' lady, Preeti Shenoy , ' the only woman in the highest best selling leagues ' that motivated for such a step. After an insight into her life history for the past six years, of climbing up the ladder to the highest rung, the journey inspires for a good amount of blogging! I personally never thought we can just write about our daily affairs here... T hus, to start off, I'd like to thank this phenomenal  woman for an awe-inspiring speech with tips for following our passion, with complete practicality and to save the dying, budding writers! We, MITians got to spend an evening with this strong and powerful woman, who even happens to be the mother of two children! I do feel that outburst of ecstasy while I'm writing this! I so feel me... Amid...