Sharp Bends...

Though I was quite determined that I’ll try and post only positive stuff, as a start! However, every day that a human being spends on this Earth is actually a surprise. But one thing that is constant, at least something that I found was that, when very good days come, and you start believing that things are falling into place, you should be ready to handle the extremely difficult times that are in the line up! Probably that is just the way of life! But still we tend to live, hope and live on for the new Sunrise the next morning, again hoping that everything will fall back into place. But at times your whole existence is put to question after you come across a painful truth. Your axis seems to reset at a new angle and the Earth seems to rotate at a different speed!

After the weird bewilderment that hung in the air at the end of the first semester, the winter vacations seemed to be a breath of fresh air to the incessant cacophony of a completely new set of languages, and a complete alien mind set! The first week of the second semester portrayed in a way that none could expect…! Haters started loving, enemies took a new leaf and got into the transition to being friends, friends became strangers and every single soul was conspirational!

Life takes these sharp bends and it feels like you’ve been struck by an earthquake. The last time you met a person, he bore a rather sweet and flattery smile for you! And the next moment you come to know he’s been conspiring against you the whole of the last semester! That you were trapped in a well-designed plan, of which you are the main tool and every, I mean it, EVERY, single move of yours or of the people you associate with, was a part of a game plan! You just went on to act as you were intended to!

More than creepy, you feel used! Yes, USED! Used in a game plan, that you were rather oblivious of!  It’s difficult to face those same people! To keep up a straight face in front of all the plotters whom you considered to be your friends! It’s difficult to trust anyone around you and more of what, to behave like nothing’s changed, with the people who made a joke out of your life!

P.S.: I thought penning down the whole incident would lessen my bewilderment and help to get a peace of mind!

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