How to Un-Love?
Everybody apparently teaches how to love, however, those novels, movies or theoretical lovers never teach you how to Un-Love! It is a tricky business, I tell you! So, first of all, one needs to figure out if the love they have been bragging about all this while, is the kind of love you want to cling on to or the one that comes like the calm before an apocalypse. The love of your life is the kind of love you’d intend to cling on to. However, the love of a lifetime always comes in a package of perfection that is toxic to own and shattering to let go. Let go! It restores peace and harmony in an otherwise jeopardized life! Your whole life either goes, searching for that one true love that you never let go in the coming twenty five years possibly. However, that love of a lifetime is your one epic love that you’re stumped by in all this soul searching! It comes like the whiff of your favourite flavour of cheese that you should resist yourself from, in order to stay healthy,...