
Showing posts from April, 2017

Parallel Universe :)

"Are you ready to accept all the challenges you'll face??!" And that was the foundation of the whole  parallel universe  we are talking about. A universe where "Once upon a time..." will end with "...and they lived happily ever after."  Well, surely my heart had skipped a beat, in the middle of a class full of people and with an intense topic being discussed on the board. "Was I?" My subconscious would know it! It was one of those times when I felt the need for air to cling on to life! I didn't want to lie. I was too scared to own up the truth! I obviously wasn't absolutely ready for it at all! But   what if he wanted a committed relationship and knowing I'm not ready for it, he backed out?! But I'd never want to start over a lie! Somehow when we spoke about it, we both concluded how uncertain we both were about the innumerable challenges that we would have to face! We didn't have a clue about what would happe...

"Ditto" be Our Forever

"I'm not high!" And that's how everything started! 'High' being the escapade while the rushing blood through the veins being the trigger! Amidst the dilemma of getting a 'semi-colon'  tattoo and writing heartbreaking blogs, brewed a whole different story! Well, they say everything happens for a reason! Yet when all reasons and logic fail, yeah, you know it's the antidote for an epic loneliness! Yeah, reasons failed. Mind blended with the heart and decisions were all over the place! The brain to mouth filter had resigned for a night and the heart decided to kiss the horizon for one time she could! Horizon it was! A horizon larger than life. That gave hopes and happiness in one package. Horizon that carried away all the pains of the past in one word! "Ditto"! :) It embraced me the way I was, and it was kinda perfect! May not be to the world, but to me it was the most perfect situation I could have possibly asked for, from life!...

Imperfectly Perfect. :)

With the soothing summer breeze as her hair played in the wind and ended up entangled in a knot, so were her thoughts. The night was chilly and had enveloped the whole vicinity with an air of eeriness. "Why is my love so dysfunctional?" Her  subconscious had slyly disappeared, when she needed her the most. There were friends whom she could ask, but they were far away. The top floor verandah of the slumbered hostel building, overhanging the whole valley in front, had just one word hanging in the air! "D-Y-S-F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N-A-L"  "Don't cry for your love, cry tears of joy... 'coz you're in alive... Cradled in LOVE!" Putting the song on repeat mode, she kept running her whole life before her eyes like a movie screen. Yes a movie it was. Predictable. Clitched. Like a circle. History just kept repeating.  Every other girl had a normal life she thought. Why not her?! The mundane monotony soothed her as she drowned herself in the ...